Two Books That Really Rocks
I'd like to introduce my favorite books.
The first one is Kendo: The Definitive Guide.
Some words from other readers:
The book includes history, training philosophy, instructions for equipment, basic footwork and strikes, techniques, kata and even tournament regulations. It has almost everything you would need to know about.
I have to work a little to find the information I need, as (of course) Ozawa organizes information differently from the way it's presented to students in the school that I attend. But it's all there, if you know what you're looking for. It's unfortunate that there isn't any information on shinai or armor maintenance.
This book is an excellent guide throughout your Kendo training.
By Enrique Pineda
This book is a really solid introductory text covering everything from kendo history to how to wear the hakama and protective gear to step-by-step technique explanations. It's no substitute for hands-on instruction yet it is an outstanding complement to dojo training. This text and a few notes of your own is all you'll really need to remember the important fundamental concepts of the art. It is broken into five sections, basics, stretching/warm-up exercises, waza (techniques), nihon kendo kata (form work), and keiko (practice). There are appendices on competition and judging, international kendo, and a glossary of terms. The book is not only well written and reasonably comprehensive, but it also contains clear line drawings that ensure you'll really understand the concepts. Surprisingly, there is no index, so you'll probably want a highlighter and a pad of sticky notes to mark the stuff you'll want to refer back to.
By L. A. Kane
The second one is Practice Drills for Japanese Swordsmanship.